(Thanks, Open Attribute!!)
This year's Chicago Tribune Winners include:
No. 1: 'Satine the Sparkling Peep from Moulin Peep'
No. 2: 'Larry Peep Live on PNN'
No. 3: 'Peepmares'
No. 1: 'Satine the Sparkling Peep from Moulin Peep'
No. 2: 'Larry Peep Live on PNN'
No. 3: 'Peepmares'
This year, I expanded my horizons and realized that the Chicago Tribune is not the only paper to run a Peeps contest (you can see all the Tribune entries here)
Other contests include:
- Peep Show: The 2011 Washington Post Peeps Diorama Contest.
- Seattle Times Peeps Contest (yeah, they even have an iPhone app?!)
- Twin Cities Pioneer Press Marshmallow Peeps Diorama and Video Contest
And... if you haven't had enough Peeps, you may want to check out: The Power of the Peep, a documentary...
Boxed in sets of five and staring out with sugar-blackened eyes, Marshmallow Peeps have been emerging like clockwork from a factory in Bethlehem Pennsylvania since the 1950s. They were born in the mind of a Russian immigrant, hatched in Easter baskets, and eaten by the dozens across the country. Then they armed themselves with lances, stood in front of trucks, mutated in microwave ovens and set out on their own.
This is the story of what happened when a marshmallow met modern America. It’s the story of how a sweet candy product got to the shelves of your convenience store – and what happened after it left them behind.
The Power of the Peep - Marshmallow Peeps Documentary Trailer from weebedee on Vimeo.