Similar to the fiberglass "Cows on Parade" from 1999, one hundred 5-foot-wide globes will be featured this summer in areas along the lakefront. Each globe will feature an artist's design to help "bring awareness to the need for solutions to reduce global warming." (Chicago Tribune article)
Mayor Daley announced his plans today and plans to call the exhibit "Cool Globes: Hot Ideas for a Cooler Planet."

"We all share responsibility for global warming," Daley said. "We can all be a part of the solution."
Now, here's the even cooler part. After the globes hang out at the lakefront for the summer, they will be auctioned off. The money raised from the auction will be used to expand environmental programs and conservation clubs in the Chicago public schools. Now, that is a great way to give back.
Art teacher Turtel Onli, from Kenwood Academy High School sponsors such an environmental club. He says, "We want to help children make the transition from consumers to committed, passionate citizens." Very cool.
1 comment:
Vincent Grech, local artist and interior finisher, has been chosen to paint two Globes for the city of Chicago. Like the "Cows on Parade"
all around Chicago that were done in the summer of 1999, these globes range from either one-foot to five-feet in diameter and will be displayed throughout Chicago to promote Global Warming Awareness.
This particular theme is meant to have the globes show each individual's different take on global warming, ranging from thoughts on how to prevent it to the things it does to the earth. Vincent's five-foot globe was just received Wednesday, March 21st and needs to be completed by May 1st. This is an open invitation for reporters and photographers. Come by and watch the process of how one of these five-foot globes w/ embossed land is completed from beginning to end.
More information can be given upon inquiry. To set-up an appointment, please contact Vincent at 773-412-0957, 773-384-1313 or at For more information on Vincent, please visit
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